If you are looking to spice up your marketing efforts, store rebranding may be a great way to go. There are many great examples of how organizations have reaped success from store rebranding. Companies like Starbucks, Dunkin’, and Pottery Barn have all done a great job of it. When done well, it will improve brand awareness and lead generation. However, it can also be done poorly with Gap’s 2010 example an important lesson. Succeeding in rebranding your store requires integrating impactful design. With this in mind, here are six ways to integrate impactful design into your store rebranding efforts.
An important aspect of any successful rebranding campaign must include research. While you may love a new look, the majority of your customers may simply not connect with it. While not every business can hire a consulting firm or some other expert, you can actually do a bit of research on your own.
A useful technique involves A/B testing. You can provide a sample of customers with one example of a potential rebrand and provide a different example to others. See which are preferred. An easy and fairly affordable way to do this is to do ad buys with each of the two concepts. Keep everything the same except the concept you want to evaluate. Check metrics to see which performed best.
Efforts to increase brand awareness and improve lead generation are most effective when you communicate a cohesive message. Thus, one of the time-honored tactics for impactful design is to assess your roots. Why did you first create your business? What are the most important values for how you operate? How do you want customers to describe you?
Answer these questions and begin to think about how to represent elements of this in your rebranding strategy. This can often begin to help give you direction as you seek to create a successful rebranding effort. How can you shape these things through things like fonts, language, colors, and images? Aligning your branding with your values will help create a cohesive whole that can be quite attractive to the public.
One mistake many companies make when it comes to rebranding is to completely scrap their original designs and start from scratch. However, this can create a bit of identity confusion for existing customers. The result can cost you any brand awareness and social capital that you have already built with your customers.
Instead, identify at least one or two elements of your branding to carry forward into the rebranding efforts. This is a great way to ensure impactful design. Perhaps you keep the same font or the same colors. Something as simple as this can help ensure that existing customers are able to continue to identify with your brand.
Another mistake that companies can make when it comes to rebranding efforts is to generate overly complicated designs that serve to turn off or confuse customers. When it comes to impactful design for brand awareness, simplicity is often much preferred to complexity.
You want someone to be able to see your brand and fairly quickly get a sense of who you are and what you do. This is what helps branding resonate with others. Thus, rebranding efforts do not require you to go overboard. A few small changes may even be enough to communicate what you want. In many cases, successful rebranding has even involved organizations simplifying and streamlining their designs.
The front of your store serves as one of the most underutilized marketing tools for most businesses. This is what customers and passers-by alike associate with you. Your storefront should be used to send a message to customers and capture their attention. Why not start out the introduction of a rebranding effort with a new storefront?
The professionals at Wraps Direct are able to work with you to give you a storefront facelift that will create an Instagram-worthy display with our store-front wraps. Whether you want a standard look, to highlight major sales, or to provide a seasonal design, we have the solution for you. Additionally, the affordable nature means this aspect of a rebrand will be among the best advertising ROI. Rolling out a rebranding strategy is an important step. Emphasize the change with a great wrap!