Average Boat Wrap Cost – Is The Protection Worth The Money? | Wraps Direct

Average Boat Wrap Cost – Is The Protection Worth The Money? | Wraps Direct


Boat wraps can make your vessel stand out from other boats in your area and will also enhance the resale value if you are considering selling your boat down the road. Besides that, it’s a wise choice for marketing a product or service, as people are intrigued by high-quality company graphics on boats.


Research shows that boat-wrapping advertisements are more effective than other channels of advertising for increasing brand awareness when compared to those advertisements that are not marine-related. On top of this, it is well-known that boat wrapping is an environmentally friendly alternative to repainting. Let’s find out if wrapping your boat comes at the right cost and if it’s worth your investment as a boat owner.  



A Boat Wrap Price Guide


Charting the overall cost of a boat wrap can be easier for you by understanding a basic boat wrap’s price guide. Boat types and sizes will affect your pricing. Boats typically are one shape, but they are made in many sizes, and that size will determine the cost to wrap a boat. An 18-foot boat will cost more than placing a full vinyl wrap on a 12, 14, or 16-foot boat. On average, a full vinyl boat wrap will start at approximately $1,000-$1,400. Understanding the size of your boat or ship is the first factor in determining the cost of a boat wrap.

The price of a boat wrap differs depending on a variety of elements, such as the wrap’s quality, the condition and size of the boat, the kind of vinyl used, your location, and the installation method.



Full vinyl boat wrap on 16 foot on a speed boat being pulled by a yellow trailer with a lake and sky background. Boat wrap example from Wraps Direct located in Jacksonville, FL



What Factors Determine The Cost Of a Boat Wrap?


Factors causing boat wrapping costs include wrapping materials used, customization of the order, method chosen, location fee, and other factors. We will look more carefully at each aspect. Some factors that are considered to influence the cost of a boat wrap include: 

  • Size
  • Material
  • Location
  • Saltwater or Freshwater
  • Type of Boat



Wrap Materials


Boat wraps are made from a vinyl material, but there are different films of the vinyl material that give your boat different appeals of design and durability. Typically, you will want to choose the wrapping material based on the type of boat that you own.

A higher quality of printing materials will play a part in how much the boat wrap will cost and when you will need to get it replaced. Expect the durability of a boat wrap to last up to 3 years and for the vinyl wrapping to be between $2,000+ for a boat size of 16 feet.

There are various distinct types of vinyl wraps and textures to choose from. The two types of vinyl would be 3M and Avery. The several material textures available for boat wraps include:

  • Chrome Wraps
  • Carbon Fiber Wraps
  • Satin Wraps
  • Matte Wraps
  • Camo Wraps



Multi-colored full vinyl boat wrap along with a variety of texture and colors that can be designed for a boat Multi-colored full vinyl boat wrap along with a variety of texture and colors that can be designed for a boat. Multi-colored boat wrap materials used for a multi-colored boat wrap designed by Wraps Direct located in Jacksonville, FL



6 Factors That Affect Boat Wrap Cost



Boat Condition


The cost of wrapping your vessel will also depend on how much wear and tear your boat has endured. Before installing your boat cover, your boat’s hull will need to be prepped if it has chips, scratches, or a chalky gel coat. The cost of detailing a boat will vary based on the hull’s condition. You can get help with this from your installer or a nearby boat maintenance business.



Boat Size


This is the most important consideration in calculating the final boat wrapping price. You should remember that the installation of the wrap usually depends on the vessel size measured in feet. It’s crucial to consider your boat’s size when estimating how much it will cost to wrap it. It makes sense that larger boats will need more vinyl to cover their surface area than smaller boats, which will raise the cost of the boat wrap in general. Wrapping a yacht is always going to be pricey, while the cost of wrapping a smaller fishing boat will always be less expensive.



Vinyl Material Type


One of the most important aspects affecting overall expenses is the vinyl’s quality. Although lower-quality vinyl may be less expensive, it is of poorer print quality and will not last as long as high-quality vinyl with expert installation. Your boat vinyl wrap should last about 7 years if fitted and maintained to the highest standards, as opposed to 2 years for low-quality vinyl.





No matter where you live, you almost certainly will have access to both high-quality and low-quality installers. However, if there are fewer wrap specialists close by, you might have to fork over more cash. Doing this research in advance is always a smart idea in case you discover a superior choice outside of your local limits.



Installation – Level Of Expertise


You can find out an installer’s level of expertise in installing vinyl films by asking them specific questions. For instance, the top vinyl manufacturers, including 3M and Avery, offer training to their technicians and have a certification auditing process. The installer must be able to demonstrate that their work fulfills a particular quality in order to qualify as one of their exclusive partners or certified installers. When searching for an installer, we advise you to inquire about their credentials or look for proof of this accreditation on their website.



Design Quality


If you choose to invest in a professional installation, you can have any boat wrap designer who ships globally create your preferred design. Although there will be a freight fee involved, it is well worth it to guarantee that you get the best boat wrap design available for your vessel.

The price of the boat wrap is influenced by the caliber level of its graphics. The full finish may not be seen until the boat wrap is installed if you choose a less expensive, lower-quality option. Some of the elements that may have an impact on the design work’s quality include the following:

  • The extent to which the image combines photography with illustration and how skillfully it does so.
  • The illustration/photo file’s resolution, specifically whether it is good enough for the display size.
  • The logos’ resolution, particularly whether it is sufficient for the print and font size.
  • Whether or not your printer keeps its equipment up to date to guarantee color accuracy in the file.

Our skilled team of graphic designers at Wraps Direct takes the time to illustrate boat wraps that may be tailored to a wide range of vessels. You can put your trust in the caliber of our work, as we take pride in reflecting the integrity and skill set needed to properly design and install a boat wrap. Visit us at Wraps Direct to see a comprehensive selection of vessel decals and boat wraps that’ll guarantee you get a top-notch design that will last the testament of time.



A lime green vinyl boat wrap design on a fishing boat being pulled by a trailer. A quality boat wrap leaves another customer satisfied at Wraps Direct in Jacksonville, FL



Hiring a Professional vs. DIY


The inevitable question that arises when boat owners begin investigating the idea of the wrapping procedure is “Should I hire a professional or try to do it myself?”

What a wonderful question.

There are numerous issues that could arise during the installation of a DIY boat wrap, including…

  • Heat damage
  • Scuffing the paint on the boat
  • Underestimating the quantity of material required
  • Low-grade vinyl products from shady suppliers
  • Bumps
  • Wrinkles

Vinyl wrapping can be done by anyone without any supervision, however, the vinyl wrap installation should be left to the installation experts. It takes years to master this skill. Finding an expert is suggested given that DIY boat wrappings do not usually last very long. A professional wrapper uses specially adapted equipment and can also smooth out wrinkle/bubble formation in the wrapping process. The most important thing is to get the boat wrapped by hiring professionals that know exactly what they’re doing. Wraps Direct is a group of skilled and knowledgeable wrap designers and technicians here in Jacksonville, Florida you can rely on for all vinyl wrap jobs nationwide.



How Much Does a DIY Boat Wrap Cost?


Most boats have good experience in deciding what is a reasonable cost-effective yacht wrapper. In some situations, the worker gets less money than an experienced boat wrapper when it is handled alone. Always consider this factor when wrapping your boat. When you gain valuable experience wrapping boats in winter, you must act cautiously in the event that there may be additional expenses. Evaluating the challenges of a shrink wrapper or vinyl wrapper helps you determine the cost.



Long Regulator fishing boat with a full deep sea themed boat wrap design. Professional "Regulator" design wrapped, by Wraps Direct located in Jacksonville, FL



Full image of the professional full vinyl wrap on the "Regulator" fishing boat pulled on a long trailer. Professional "Regulator" design wrapped by Wraps Direct located in Jacksonville, FL



What Is The Average Cost To Shrink-Wrap a Boat?


Your boat should be shrink-trimmed by professionals each time the winter season rolls around and it would cost you around $300-$500 depending on your location and the options available to you.



How Much Does It Cost To Re-Wrap a Boat?


Re-wrapping your boat will typically cost you about $1 400 or more depending on the wear and tear already visible on your vinyl boat wrap. However, if it does happen to be minor damage, a professional installer may be able to help you fix this for even less. The price will depend heavily on several factors such as the current damage, the condition of the layers beneath the wrap, the color availability of the wrap, the design, etc.



Get Your Boat Wrap Consultation Today!


Located in Jacksonville, FL, Wraps Direct provides nationwide shipping and installation services for vinyl wrap across the continental United States! So, if you are looking to get your boat wrapped by professional vinyl wrap technicians, call us at (904)-579-3452 or visit us at Wraps Direct! Click here to fill out our form and get your free consultation scheduled today!